I have always felt that teaching should be about providing students with skills for the world. Sure, someone might need to find the derivative of cosine at their job one day, but the ability to look at a problem, recognize...
Design Patterns? Like Plaid? Regardless of expertise, patterns are used throughout the fashion industry. Where items of clothing can vary in texture, print, and accents, a lot of structural aspects of the pieces remain the same. In software engineering, design...
One of the biggest concerns of Economics is opportunity costs. The field weighs costs against gains and maintains that decisions should be based upon what provides the most returns. In software engineering, the process of learning and implementing User Interface...
Who Needs Formatting? When it comes to writing–whether it be poetry, essays, reports, or novels–there are rules involved. Different forms have different standards and, to no surprise, coding has standards of its own. While, like with all writing, these standards...
In their essay, How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, Eric S. Raymond and Rick Moen cover the dos and don’ts of asking technical questions–whether by email, mailing list, or online forum. With insight into the hacker community, steps to...